So it's Friday here in Gettysburg, PA. For me, Gettysburg is a combination of Disney, unlimited ammunition for my Lee-Enfield rifle, and baked beans and brown bread for breakfast with an endless side of fried cod.
Right. I'm a history nerd.
So it's Cold Wars, the wintery mix of a con for HMGS and it should be a rocking day of hot dice and cold tonics with lots of back and forth across the table.
Except it's not. I had exactly one person show up for an eight-player game.
We had a lovely chat and he went off to find another game with a promise of a slot for tomorrow's edition.
Now, it's great to see friends and jaw about lead and history, but it would have been nice to run my game today.
I managed to get my town for the game done this morning in the hotel room over my morning coffee....
Made of Monopoly replacement parts and beer mats, with some paint and flock, it turned out okay...
The town of Tarball, North Carolina awaiting its fate... The steamer "Dixie" at the landing...
My game in all its glory.
And, just for today, my contribution to The Resistance. If this offends, I do apologize, but given the current state of affairs here in Doodle Land, one cannot expect me NOT to say SOMETHING.
Today was a day of retail protest, and I did oblige. Buyer beware...
The price of Freedom is not free. My 34 years of continuous service to this country should be proof enough of that.
Now, back to toy soldiers and a hopefully more vibrant Cold Wars report tomorrow.