Saturday, February 24, 2024

Doing Tree-age In The Duchy

 Last Saturday, while at The Muster, Sandy sent me a text with some pictures that one of the large pine trees had fallen over as a result of the last storm. 

I drove home yesterday and did an inspection of the disaster. 

Well, it's about 70 feet long and around 20 inches at its thickest portion. It didn't crush anything and looks to be completely within the territorial boundary of the Duchy. 

Not owning a proper chain saw, I'll be reaching out to some friends over the next few days to coordinate cleanup. 

Could have been much worse. The tree literally fell the only direction where it wouldn't hit anything or cause any damage. That's the Higher Power at work in my life. 


  1. You got off lucky! Enjoy the clean-up and a chance to use power tools.

  2. I'm glad it caused no other damage. Can you glue it to a scenic base for some of your figures?

  3. A bit of good fortune there - and hopefully you have a wood burning fire that you can use the resulting lumps of pine in!


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