Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Brown Deer Clan Arrives from the Pays d'en Haut

 Voyaging from the land of the Potawatami, the Odawa (Ottawa) and the Menominee, the Brown Deer Clan has presented themselves, today, to Ontonio at Fort L'Ecuyer, to ask to join in the upcoming campaigns against Les Anglais and their allies. 

Promises of glory to the young warriors, a chance to prove themselves in a raid, and possibly bring something of material value back to their homes, has led them to come east. 

With winter rapidly departing and signs of an early spring evident, this could augur well for the fortunes of New France. But only time will tell.

My friend Bill P., from Brown Deer, WI, very kindly gifted me some First Nations figures that were surplus to his requirements. They were already black primed and just needed a bit of tidying up to be ready for painting. I did a very simple paint job to get them completed quickly. Along with several other figures, I'll flock them this weekend. 

Most of the figures are RSM, with one lone Hinchliffe, and one other figure whose provenance I am unsure. 

Thank you, Bill! I hope they will play well on the table with my Milice and Colonial Regulars.


  1. They look excellent. I've got a few of the RSMs and quite like them.

  2. A nice addition and a thoughtful gift. I hope the settlers have built sturdy cabins and have plenty of blackpowder.

  3. Very smart looking injuns Eric, I do like the RSM figures.


  4. They look very nice Eric! I have a bunch of Crusader Miniatures Woodland Indians in my painting pile - might have to pull a few to and give them a try!


It's Hockey Night (Last) Night

So the NHL replaced its time tested, previous All-Star game format with a four nations tourney style mini-series. Ahhhhh.... meh.  I'm n...