Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Graduation Day

 Yesterday my classmates and I walked across the stage at Wylie Hall, thus completing our Warrant Officer Advanced Course. 13 weeks of training for my particular trade. 

On the one hand, I was absolutely ready to be done and go home. On the other, I was lucky enough to have 13 other classmates who were wonderful to work with and with whom I hope I shall serve alongside at some point in the future. 

Four of us are Guardsmen, three came from the Reserves, and the other seven are Regulars. We blended a broad mix of experience together with our instructor, who created an outstanding learning environment. 

Now, it's a couple of days off, then back to the reality of civvy street. 

From left to right, Greg Bell, Nate Bornemeier, myself, and Tim Cathers. The Four Guardsmen of the Apoc-eclipse. "Always Ready, Always There". 


  1. Congratulations! Now, get back to work!

  2. Congratulations Eric as you graduated does that mean you were a student and can you get a student discount on wargaming paints😃


  3. Congratulations!

    (Let's hope your country doesn't need you in the near future.)

  4. Congratulations and 'welcome home'.
    For me, I would need the help of an AI assistant to interpret all those standards and everything on those four uniforms. You all look the part.
    I hope to 'virtually' see you again soon.


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