Wednesday, October 16, 2024

And Time Marches On...

 Nothing much going on here in the Duchy. Work and Graduate school have kept me from getting anything done on the painting table, the game table (with a lovely ACW Portable Wargame set up ready to go..), or on the blog. 

Herself and I have managed a few moments together, though, just to remember who that other person in the house is...

An early Saturday morning breakfast of "Norwegian Pancakes". I made the batter a little thinner and we have some brown Norwegian cheese we found at a specialty cheese shop with strawberry jam from Aldi.

The first use of our second-hand fire pit since we were gifted it.....ummmm...a couple of years ago? Tells you how exciting things get around the Duchy in the autumn. 

This past weekend found me at a Civil War event in Mullica Hill, NJ. My unit normally portrays Company C, 28th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. But we also have a segment that dresses as Knap's Independent Battery, which was formed out of the 28th PVI early in the war. 

Mullica Hill is a low-key, fun little dog and pony show. Kind of goofy, kind of fun. A day trip event this year as most of the unit will be at Cedar Creek this coming weekend. Sadly, work and school prevent me from going. 

Nothing, absolutely nothing, beats campfire coffee...

Hopefully, this weekend, I'll trek up to Kingston, PA for another game with the PAWM crew. The Del-Val Gamers (our club of clubs) has their Game Day this weekend, but I would need to be very lucky to push lead and roll dice in two clubs in two locations in the same day. 

More anon, but for right now, back to my research paper proposal. 

"Break Over!", as we say in the warehouse.

And Time Marches On...

 Nothing much going on here in the Duchy. Work and Graduate school have kept me from getting anything done on the painting table, the game t...