Thursday, October 31, 2024

Mid-Week Update

 Not a normal time for me to post, but this All Hallow's Eve finds me in Jericho, Vermont playing 1800mm Modern wargaming. (for thems not in the know, that means it's time to play part-time Army)

I seem to have an issue with remembering passwords, so I've locked myself out of my grad school's account. <Ahem> My love of technology is just blooming right now... 

But fortunately, I have many things to read, whilst I work on an essay for one of my classes. These are recent purchases that have been added to the Ducal Library under the pretense of "but my darling, I NEED these for school.." 

I'm pretty sure she's on to me about that. But more of that anon. 

I'm pretty well tucked into the one on the left and I've skimmed through Philbrick's "In The Heart Of The Sea" for elements of my essay. Both are excellent. Looking forward to getting into the other two. 

And, speaking of blooming, my darling bride celebrated her 60th trip around Sol Prime on Tuesday. We celebrated with Herself and Herself the Younger carving pumpkins, baked salmon for supper, and (after my hour and a half class on the Spanish West Indies) watching Ancient Aliens. 

A flower cake sent by her sister Renee and brother in law Greg

I have had the great joy to have her in my life for 33 years now, 31 of which I have been able to call her my wife and partner in my life. She is an amazing woman. Happy Birthday, my darling! 

1 comment:

Another Weekend in Vermont

 So it's that time of month for those who belong to my organization of part-time and sometimes full-time Soldiers, to gather and do wha...