Thursday, November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving Update
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Weekend Update
Finally returned from an exercise with my National Guard unit. Several days of a digital operation supporting our higher headquarters.
At the end of the training, one of the things we need to do is shred a lot of paper, and bins are provided for us to dispose of what needs to be shredded.
As I was putting a stack of papers into the bin, I noticed someone from another brigade's response cell had a sense of humour.
One joker's simulation of a RQ-7 Raven UAV...
Well, you can't say we don't know how to laugh at ourselves... I'll back at the next edition of this exercise in January. Maybe I'll fly this one back to its original owners...
Weekend Update
A quick dash home during the PAUSEX to do see Herself and do some laundry, also found some recents buys waiting for me. Some of them are rel...
Things are about as ready for the holiday as they are going to get, it would seem. The tree is up and trimmed. Ingredients for the Christma...
Was I surprised when someone who knows about my hobby wished me a Happy Toy Soldier Day? Um...just a little. Am I surprised there IS a ...
Every level of Professional Military Education in the US Army is supposed to incorporate some formal instruction or application of Military...