Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Goodbye 2024...

There was a great line in Ken Burns' The Civil War that George Plimpton read as George Templeton Strong where he said goodbye and good riddance to 1861 but wasn't too sure about 1862..  

So. What then for 2025? 

Good question. 

I'd say that my continued studies on the early US Navy during the Quasi War with France will probably lead to something involving naval wargames. 

The Cod Wars ships have been cleaned and I'll be washing them up tomorrow. 

The "theme" this year for OttoCon is going to be Naval Wargames and I'm running two ACW Naval games at Cold Wars at the end of February, so I suspect priorities shall shift from what I'm painting now. 


I still have my 25mm WAS/SYW Spanish I'm plugging away at, and my Riel Rebellion collection, too. A sneaking suspicion tells me the Riel project has a better chance of getting finished this year. 

And then there is the complete reorganization of the 25mm AWI collection, both the part for Sharp Practice and the part for Volley and Bayonet. 

The game room needs to be cleaned and sorted. Storage reorganized. 

Well only time will tell. In any event, I wish you the best for this coming year. 

Happy New Year from the Duchy of Saxe-Appeal!

The USS Constitution and the USRC Eagle in convoy 1799


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, WIllz! Looking forward to more amazing pictures of your fort construction labours.


  2. Sounds like very interesting projects ahead of you. Looking forward to following the progress. Best wishes to you and yours for the new year.

    1. Same to you Mark! Loved seeing that post about your Titanic model. Between the 350th of KPW and the 250th of the AWI, we should have some good games this year.

      Not including all the naval stuff!



I Have Been To....Cold Wars 2025

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