Monday, January 20, 2025

Inauguration Day

Der Tag kommen. 

All Hail Herr Pumpkinfuhrer. 

I shall say no more on the subject, as I am a serving Warrant Officer, albeit in the National Guard. But no cretin will call me a "sucker and a loser".

I should think my obvious snark and contempt should be sufficient. But I still have a career and a clearance to consider. 



  1. I agree 100% What he did did on January 6 2020 should have disqualified him from holding office.

    BTW, My grandfather was a corps man in WW1 (medical company, 101st regt, 26th Yankee Division). He was mentioned in regimental and division orders in August 1918, awarded silver star post war. He was no a looser or a sucked. My father in law served with 3rd in Darby's Rangers in North Africa, Sicily and Italy. He was not a sucked or looser.

  2. You probably won't get many comments but I am safe I think...not in the US, Greenland OR Panama!
    It baffles the rest of the world how he got over 50% of the popular vote....we can't even blame your antiquated, cack handed semi democratic electoral system this time!
    Ah well, if you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined up, as they say!


It's Hockey Night (Last) Night

So the NHL replaced its time tested, previous All-Star game format with a four nations tourney style mini-series. Ahhhhh.... meh.  I'm n...