Sunday, March 23, 2025

Weekend Update

Another week has flown by here in the Duchy. False Spring seems to be giving way to Real Spring. 

Instead of updating this blog, I really should be working on my paper for class. A deadline is looming and I am loafing... Well maybe not loafing. Half a loaf. 

Yesterday, I was able to get to my Club's Games Day. The Del-Val Gamers meet once a month or so in the basement of a church in Delaware County. For $10USD, it's an all-day series of games. 

We had a well-attended affair with several offerings. 

Mark Z., in the light blue W.A.M.P. club shirt, ran a beautiful 28mm AWI game using Black Powder. 

Painting and Crafting area was busy all day. 

A rather large 1809 game run by Scott W. that had some beautifully painted figures. 

Fellow Rogues member Jeff K. ran a 28mm Eastern Front game with a train using Chain of Command.

I had the good fortune to play in Cliff B.'s Battle of Moravian Town from the War of 1812. 

Naturally, I played the British/Canadian/First Nations side, as both Henry Proctor and Tecumseh. We played using Shako II rules and 15mm figures. This was testing out Shako II's use of rules for First Nations warriors. They worked out okay. 

Historically, the battle was a massive defeat for the Crown, with Tecumseh being killed, his alliance falling apart, and Proctor's army falling back in even greater disorder and low morale. 

Though I lost, I gave the Yankee Doodles a sound thrashing and my iteration of Tecumseh lived to fight another day. 

Can't lie, though. My dice rolling was horrific. Five out of eight turns, this was how my artillery rolled. 

And at yet another critical moment...

But I can't complain. It was great to see some friends and to get out of the house for a few hours. I had brought my ACW ironclads to run in the afternoon, but I was completely spent after the game, so I drifted off home instead. 

Now, time to be off and get back to my paper. 

More anon. 

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