Saturday, January 13, 2024

Captain Carroll's Scout (being a reasonably truthful narrative...)

The somewhat delayed report of a nice solo game I played on New Years Day to kick off 2024. 

I have a friend in NE PA, John Carroll, aka John The OFM, who oftentimes provides grist for our club gaming shenanigans. Things like routinely being shot in the back towards the end of various skirmish games, for no better reason that we are playing a game in his basement. 

Well, for this game, Captain Increase Carroll, upstanding Puritan captain of militia in his town of Innsmouth, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, has been called upon by the Great and General Court in Boston to lead a scout to ensure the environs around the town are clear. The drums of war have been sounding throughout New England with King Philip and his Wampanoags on the warpath. They have also been inciting the Maliseets, the Abenaki, the Nipmucks, and the Great and General Court is desirous that all towns and settlements north of Boston ensure the security of the immediate areas. 

Captain Carroll chose eight stout-hearted, God-fearing Puritan men from the militia and set off to tromp around the swampy woods and bits and places around the outskirts of Innsmouth. 

Note: Eight UNO cards were shuffled and randomly placed along the general path I chose for the militia patrol. Two cards were RED, the remainder were not. RED cards were the location of the Wampanoags. The militia would have to react to any contact. As I placed them face down, I did not know where the warriors would enter. 

Not far out of town, a series of shots rang out from a small wooded rise to the left of the Militia, and, the Horror of Things! Captain Carroll was Knocked Down by a Savage's ball! (This was literally on the second turn) 

As the Savages withdraw behind cover to skulk in the woods and reload their muskets, the brave Hero, Captain Carroll, raises himself up, despite the pain of his wound and rallies his Militia. 

Hearing the noise of battle from a distance, the war chief Mugwump led another party of warriors to the sound of the fray. 

Making prisoners of two of the treacherous natives that dared fire at him and his men, Captain Carroll and the Innsmouth Militia are surprised to hear more cries and then see Mugwump and his party charging out of the forest. 

A wild melee ensues with the Militia calling upon Heaven to help them and roundly cursing their Savage assailants. 

Captain Carroll prudently orders his men to start to withdraw back to town. With two prisoners to tort..I mean, question, there is enough that has been done today. As Mugwump and his men continue to press, though, Captain Carroll see his chance. First, Captain Carroll Knocks Down Mugwump, he then makes him a Prisoner. The much-vaunted war chief is now going to suffer Righteous Justice from the Great and General Court! 

Note: Captain Carroll was able to roll three dice and got three action (being a Leader), so he was able to charge into Mugwump and do an Attack in melee. The dice went the Puritan's way (there's some irony) and Mugwump failed his rolls badly. Long story short, Carroll 1 - Mugwump 0. 

The Militia withdraw back to Innsmouth with their three prisoners. But not without loss. Mr. Butterworth, a Sap Boiler, is lost to the Wampanoags and is cruelly scalped. Widow Butterworth will have to continue the sap boiler works without him. Oh, the Hand of Fate is cruel. But that is a story for another day. Captain Carroll has a report to write. 

Postscript: It was a fun game. Maybe an hour and a half to two hours. It had been some time since I had used Songs of Drums and Tomahawks, so I had to look up things now and again. Plus, writing notes down for the narrative took time away. Sometimes I find that to be a bit of a sheet anchor when I play solo. 

It does give a good start point for a mini-campaign, though, now that Mugwump has been captured and Captain Carroll has a good reputation and all. 

I suppose we'll see where this trail goes. 


  1. Deja vu? I have seen this movie before. Nice little action, Eric. Well done!

  2. An excellent game and AAR, thanks for sharing Eric.


    1. Thanks, shipmate! Really looking forward to seeing your Louisbourg project come together.

  3. That sounds a fine and reasonably truthful narrative! And a fun game. I struggle with solo games. I usually try and do too much and get overwhelmed and lose track and then motivation. And I'm not keen on my opponent either...

    1. I agree with you about my opponent when I'm playing solo. Especially when he cheats or glosses over a part of the rules for a better "story".

  4. Looks like you are guilty of having fun. I'm not sure what the Great and General Court will have to say about that. Perhaps the First Nations after that initial well aimed shot would have done well to call it a win and leave. Thanks for sharing and for a reminder about those rules.


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