Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leap-ing About the Painting Table

 In the waning hours of Leap Day 2024, I present for your enjoyment a few figures I've managed to finish this week. Squarely centered in North America, more specifically, New England and New France, I was able to finish the figures this morning and base them on one inch round wooden bases from Litko this afternoon. I'll get the bases tarted up probably next week. 

First up are a few Milice to generally help keep Les Anglais out of Acadia. 

Nothing too remarkable. 25mm Old Glory figures. I'd like to get some Sash and Saber milice to complement them. 

After that, I was able to complete four Wampanoag Indians from the Brigade Games King Philip's War  range.

The figures are quite nice to paint. I use a combination of craft paints and Vallejo paints and they seem to all play together nicely. 

Finally, I finished one of the Brigade Games Militia from the King Philip's War line. 

With only five weeks left in the course, and next week a busy one too, I'm not sure how much more I'll manage to complete. It's been a good run, though. I will start brining things home this weekend and keep a manageable number of figures to paint. 

This coming Saturday I'll be at COLD BARRAGE in Harve de Grace, Maryland. This is the HAWKS's game club answer to no COLD WARS from HMGS this year. So we'll see how that plays out. 


  1. Good progress on the painting front. I remember that Old Glory pack of Canadian Militia. Old Glory figures can be hit and miss with some excellent and some not so good. The Canadian Militia bag I bought looked almost miscast and somewhat flat. I thought the figures were a definite ‘miss’. You will be much happier with S&S figures.

  2. I'm glad you have had a chance to paint and hope the course is proving good too. I look forward to your show report. I think I like the Indians best.

  3. Great work there painting. And hope you have fun at the upcoming convention.

  4. Great work on the figures; a varied selection. Nice indians

  5. Nice bit of variety on the painting desk and good to be able to take your hobby with you on your course! Look forward to seeing how the convention goes too.

  6. Excellent progress there and looking most excellent. And good to see figures on bottle tops!

  7. The OG Canadian militia are definitely a bit "odd". I suspect the Sash & Sabre will tower over them a bit. I see yours are Quebecois.
    You have exceeded my painting output over the last couple of months!


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