Monday, March 4, 2024

Happy National Toy Soldier Day!

Was I surprised when someone who knows about my hobby wished me a Happy Toy Soldier Day? 

Um...just a little. 

Am I surprised there IS a "national XXX day" for toy soldiers? 

Well, considering it's also National Grammar Day, National Music Day and National Pound Cake Day... 

Not really. 

Of course, I cannot let today go by without a little celebration. 

So here is my contribution. 

First, an opening prayer, homily, and a Benediction...from Father Carroll, SJ, who routinely advises my Canadien Milice, Ballykillbilly rebels, and First Nations warbands. 

The Jebbies and the ICBs may follow different paths, but their Message is pretty similar. 

"Blessed be the Toy Soldiers, for whom we play"...

Next are some fine members of the North Shore Regiment (New Brunswick), recently painted in The One True Scale of 1/32nd... 

Of course, without the appropriate reference materials, we would only be guessing on how to paint our figures. 

These were acquired this weekend from Rob D, from the HAWKS. Along with my friend Ross, the two have convinced me I need to get a few figures to try out a new period... just a few figures... for a small game... 

And, of course, the WHY of Toy Soldiers... 

In this case, The Great World War One Flying Ace making his appearance on the table at a recent show.

 In my mind, there isn't a better symbol of the fun and joy associated with playing with Toy Soldiers, than this fellow here. 

To all my fellow hobbyists, I wish you the joy of the day. And if you happened to stumble upon this blog, I hope you will take a moment to find the simple pleasure of a game of Soldiers. 

Playing at Soldiers is so much better than actually doing so. 


  1. Happy Toy Soldier Day to you and yours....and no, i am not that surprised that this day exists, either!

    1. Thanks, Ross. Rob said he was going to contact you to let you know we met and I purchased the books seen above. We had a couple of very nice conversations and I can see why they adopted you as their Canadian representative. I see a future Pocket Quiberon campaign in my future.

  2. Happy Toy Soldier Day! I have marked it on my calendar for a proper celebration next year.

    1. Thank you Jon! And the same to you! It's funny how these daily celebrations have proliferated. I'll try to properly honour it next year. I'm also fairly certain I'll forget about it unless someone reminds me.

  3. Who knew such a day existed, so belated a happy "toy soldier day" to everyone.
    Here is a link to why it started.


  4. Thanks for letting us know about this. I have marked my calendar and will celebrate next year with a game. Outstanding!

  5. I thought every day was Toy Soldier Day.......
    Just a few figures eh? Know anyone going to Huzzah! in Maine in May? Someone who could take a box of painted Fr Rev soldiers to you and out of my crowded storage space....

    1. Oh my. Ross, I'm sure I could find someone. Let me see.

  6. That French Revolutionary Wars book will be a Rabbit Hole.....
    Pyramids! "Soldiers, forty centuries look down upon you.” ☺


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