Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday Update

 Just a quick mid-week update on painting progress. Nothing too crazy, just some additions to my 1745 Project and my French and Indian War collection. 

First up, are three piquets from the Irish Brigade. Those are from left to right, Regiments Dillon, Lally, and Rooth. These are from Minden Miniatures. Wonderful figures, too. 

I do have figures for Regiment Berwick in the Lead Mountain. I hope to get to those soon. As well as figures for Regiment Escossais. 

The next up, are some command figures for my French Milice. These are Sash and Saber figures, which paint up quite nicely. 

Finally, I've got a few Abenaki leader figures, also from Sash and Saber. I've got the main body of the warband on the painting table. 

I do apologize for the poor lighting and quality of the photos. When I get home and get back to my proper painting table, I'm sure the lighting will improve. I can't say the same for the quality or quantity of my painting... 


  1. The sash and saber figures are very nice. Are they 40mm?

    1. Thanks Mark. They are actually 28mm. On a whim I bought some a couple of years ago and I was delighted with them.

  2. Glad to see you are usefully occupied! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Stephen. I don't know if "usefully" is quite the most accurate description, but it does keep me out of trouble.

  3. Very nicely painted figures Eric, thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks WIllz. Not nearly as prolific a painter as yourself, but maybe some day.

  4. Thanks, Tidders! I love your simple painting style, which I do try to emulate.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ross. Coming from you, that means a lot.


It's Hockey Night (Last) Night

So the NHL replaced its time tested, previous All-Star game format with a four nations tourney style mini-series. Ahhhhh.... meh.  I'm n...