Saturday, March 23, 2024

I have been to.....The Pentagon

 Yes, THAT Pentagon. The five-sided insane asylum that is the reported home of The Good Idea Fairies. 

My course trekked up the highway to Alexandria, VA for a tour and a briefing with Q&A with a senior Warrant Officer in Force Management. 

And once we got there.....there is a lovely sign stating that no photography was allowed, except in very specific locations and circumstances. 

Fortunately, the current Duke of Saxe-Appeal was speaking about the Duchy's latest NATO commitments, especially since Sweden and Finland are now members, as well as the most recent updates on UN Peacekeeping Operations. 

 As we toured the corridors, it was hard not stop every couple of feet to check out the different artefacts and displays. There were paintings and panels speaking to all aspects of American military history. 

Despite what you see in the movies, the building itself is really a jumbled collection of small offices, random support services (like a flower shop) and cubicles that are smaller than my Boss Collective's offices, which are pretty average by my employer's standards. The food court was typical American shopping mall set up. The Big News is they are getting a Five Guys Burgers and Fries...coming soon! 

One of our guides said you can always tell visitors and newly assigned personnel, since they are the ones staring at the maps on the wall with a glazed look and blank, almost despondent expression trying to figure out where they are and where they need to go. 

And whilst I could not get any pictures, except for the one above, I did manage to get one thing at the gift shop.... 

Now I can say I've been there, done that, and got the coffee mug to prove it... 

It's a chilly, rainy, rainy, rainy day here in the Duchy. A good day to keep that mug filled with a hot coffee.


  1. Well! That must have been incredibly impressive.

  2. Do the opening comments and the photo combine to make you one of the 'good idea fairies'?
    It's a good memory to add to the list of where you've been. My nearest to the seat of power would be the government buildings for the State of Pennsylvania where I was given a Speaker of the House's gavel as proof of going. I've yet to wield it in anger in a meeting calling for order but it's a nice reminder of a good day.
    I wonder what you told your audience.

  3. Thats a place not so many people can say they have been to on a day trip to visit - it will be Langley, Va next?!

  4. Don't you look smart Eric, here's one for the good ideas fairies.
    "Clock work" power to help save the planet😀.



Inauguration Day

Der Tag kommen.  All Hail Herr Pumpkinfuhrer.  I shall say no more on the subject, as I am a serving Warrant Officer, albeit in the National...