Thursday, April 4, 2024

Army Bling

 We have a "thing" in the modern US Army about "challenge coins", which have pretty much run amok since they were first conceived. 

I could bloviate on ad nauseum about this subject, but suffice to say, I find the artistry more interesting than anything else. 

One of the things we did, as a class, was decide to create our own special course coin. Our Class Leader, Wig, came up with the design and yesterday, we took delivery of them. 

I present for your review and inspection, the Class Coin of Mobility Warrant Officer Advance Course 001-24

The coins are approximately 2 1/4 inches long and about an inch wide. All of my classmates names are on the left-hand view. Our motto "Mission Success" is on the left and Mobility Magic is on the right. 

I am very pleased with them. A wonderful souvenir of 13 weeks of a very interesting time with 13 other ladies and gentlemen whom I would have no problem with going to war alongside. 

Wig did an incredible job getting so many things into such a small package. The manufacturer, however, did not do what Wig instructed, but these are little gems and I am very happy. 


  1. Very nifty souvenir of your course completion. Having and using Challenge Coins is an interesting tradition. I received mine from NSAB.

    1. That's very cool. Challenge Coins were originally conceived as impact awards. You could give them out right away to someone without having to go through the whole process of filling out a DA 638, especially for those small, but important, tasks folks do to "make things happen". They have gone all pear shaped since they first came out, but I do love them.

  2. The only challenge coin I have is from a USAAF refueling squadron - motto "No kick ass without tanker gas"! A souvenir from when our unit visited the airbase here in England.

  3. Stephen, one of my favourite sayings is "bullets don't fly, without supply" and I could see myself putting that on a coin if I was a Supply System Warrant Officer. Glad to know you have at least one.


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