Sunday, July 28, 2024

More From Historicon 2024

 In addition to Jim P's amazing 54mm Gettysburg wargame, there were several other 54mm games presented. Technically, mine were 1/48th scale, but for The Road To Ambleve, (my take on the 1965 "The Battle of the Bulge" movie) I used 54mm MPC US Infantry. 

A nice AWI game in 54mm

An amazing, if somewhat hard to see, 54mm WW1 trench game between French and Germans

There were several other 54mm games, one of which I had signed up to play, but just did not have the mental bandwidth to participate in on Saturday. My apologies to the GM. I just couldn't do it. 

All four of my games were filled up. I ran two iterations of The Road To Ambleve on Friday. The 3pm session was one of the most fun games I've ever had the pleasure to run. It was great and the players were fantastic. 

Scott S. eagerly awaiting the arrival of the other players...

The 7pm game was very much less so, and, sad to say, that was mostly due to me. Normally, by 7pm, I'm winding down my day and getting ready to sleep by reading or something like that. I should have stuck to my normal process and run games in the morning and afternoon. 

My second game was The Battle of El Guettar form the 1970 movie "Patton"

Again, the 3pm game was great, the 7pm game, far less so. And since I am the common denominator, well, I learned my lesson. Run in the day, play at night. 

Other wonderful games that I saw:

Tom Ballou ran his Moby Dick game from HUZZAH!

Thomas S. came down from Port Dover, ON to run this nice little game of Op WELLHIT with Chain of Command from the Too Fat Lardies.

Tom U. from the WAMP club ran his insanely beautiful Arnhem game in 28mm

Romans in Funny Hats and 2mm figures was going on behind me. 

A very nice Sharp Practice game, Second Trenton (Assinpink Creek) from the AWI

And, of course, it would not be Historicon if I did not buy some things to keep me occupied until next Historicon... 

I horrified my fellow members of the VWC by mentioning that this is the first time I ever actually owned a copy of either The War Game or Charge!, but I managed to get both for ten bucks each. Both hardbacks and first editions. 

This was more for Professional Development purposes. I'll have a go at these and then take them up to my next drill weekend and see who I can interest in playing. The Baltic version should be ready by this time next year. 

Of course, I can't get away and not buy some lead. Strictly speaking, I asked Rich M from Dayton Painting Consortium to make up this box for me before Historicon and I'd pay for it there. He was kind enough to do so. More 18th Century Spanish for my War of Austrian Succession project. More of that anon. 

All in all, it was a great show. I got to meet some folks I've never met before, like Richard Clarke from the TFL. I saw quite a few friends I just don't ever get to see, nor spend much time with. Played in one of the best games I have ever seen in the hobby. Bought some things to finish off a collection. 

Now, onto the next adventure...


  1. Looks like a good con for you with a valuable lesson to be filed away for future game hosting exercises.

  2. Thanks for sharing more wargaming eye candy Eric.
    Don't be too hard on yourself about feeling tired whilst running games later in the day, it's hard work.


  3. Lots of lovely pics... thanks for sharing

  4. Does the road to Ambleve still go to Malmedy?πŸ˜„

  5. A great looking show and some nice kit to take home afterwards πŸ‘Œ


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