Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas in the Duchy of Saxe-Appeal

 Things are about as ready for the holiday as they are going to get, it would seem. The tree is up and trimmed. Ingredients for the Christmas Breakfast have been bought. A little hobby work will be done over the next couple of days. My employer gives us this coming Monday off for the holiday. 

Happy Christmas to one and all. May the joys and blessings of the season be with you. 


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!

    And have a most excellent Christmas and New Year!

  2. Thanks, Andy. All the best to as well.

  3. Well done Eric,
    Let the toy soldier fun begin.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and yours.


    1. Thank you, Willz! A barrel of good claret for you, sir, on my account. :-) Merry Christmas, pal.


Another Weekend in Vermont

 So it's that time of month for those who belong to my organization of part-time and sometimes full-time Soldiers, to gather and do wha...