Thursday, September 5, 2024

More D-Day Ohio Pictures

 Whilst I'm sure the last thing anyone really wants to see is a 50-something playing at Soldiers (especially when he is a real part-time Soldier and KNOWS better), here are a few shots taken during the recent D-Day re-enactment in Conneaut, Ohio.

It's truly a wonderful experience to participate and educate the public on what occurred on 06 June 1944, especially those who do not fully understand the contribution of Canada to the war. 

Making Jambon et Oeufs for my section

Again, it was such a privilege to represent my Canadian heritage at this event and to fall in with some wonderful like-minded people. The "Boiler Regiment", aka Regiment de la Chaudiere, are a fine bunch of folks and it was an honour to hit the beach with them and try to re-create a small part of history. 

I hope to keep on working with them at events in the future. 

"Aere Perennius"


  1. Cool stuff Eric, they let you cook?


    1. More to the point, did they eat it? Any casualties?

    2. Eric calls himself a reenactor but he has not used a bucket of sand and petrol to do his cooking, he is using some modern contraptionšŸ¤£.


    3. casualties, thank you. In my next life I intend on being a cook on a Coast Guard buoy tender.


  2. Great reenactment! One of my maternal uncles (infantry) landed a few days later, fought his way across and eventually home. My 1 and only paternal uncle landed several days later, an officer in the signal Corps attached to HQ, got hit by a stray artillery shell from 1 side or the other, which is why I never met him. Who says dice aren't realistic?

  3. Eric,
    Interesting that in some photos the uniforms look brown and in others green. I was always under the impression Canadian uniforms were greener than British (and better quality!)

    1. Neil, they are a more greenish colour. Mine is a proper Canadian pair of trousers, with a Dutch jacket. The rest of the section did a dye job on a normal British set of BD, following the period recipe.

      But there are slight changes in tint between different runs.



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