Saturday found me in Harve de Grace, Maryland at the HAWKS Club regional convention, BARRAGE.
Notwithstanding the fact 2024 is the 30th Anniversary of the HAWKS, the two-day show was well attended, including the dealers' area and flea market tables that line the walls around the game tables.
But more of that anon.
I essentially went down for just some of Saturday's fun, mostly to see folks and for the low stress flea market.
I did choose to play in one game, though, a HAWKS standard. It's a group project they've run for, well, decades, at this point, their Not Quite The Seven Year War wargame.
40mm semi-round 18th century figures, painted in the colours of imagi-nation regiments, using "Charge" rules and D6's.
Did I mention the massive size of the units?
Big regiments. As in 60 figure infantry regiments...yeah. BIG regiments on magnetic movement trays.
One of the units I had the fortune to command, was a regiment of Rossmark Pandours, painted by my friend in Nova Scotia, Ross Macfarlane. I asked Rob Dean, who was running the game, if there were any units painted by Ross on the table, that would be available for me to command.
Anyway, the game was scheduled for 16 turns, and we actually slogged through 10 before we called it at Turn 11. We took one objective, had a decent shot at taking another, if we had more time, and no chance to get the third. I think Rob called it a "draw"...but the post-game recrimination and mud flinging phase was interrupted by Anniversary Cake being served.
As always, the HAWKS put on a great show. The game was enormous fun, and very gentlemanly, too. Proper 18th century play and behaviour. Well, except for maybe the odd taunt... 😏
Already looking forward to next year.
More about this year's BARRAGE, later.